Large Animal Veterinary Services

Animals We Treat Include:

  • Beef & Dairy Cattle
  • Sheep
  • Goats
  • Pigs
  • Camelids (Llamas/Alpacas)

We offer routine medical services as well as 24 hour emergency care.

Some of our specific services include:

Herd Health

Routine preventative care – vaccinations/deworming/herd analysis, small ruminant parasite management and consultation

Medical Services

Physical exams and associated treatments

Calf Processing

Deworming, calfhood vaccinations, dehorning, castration


Displaced Abomasum (toggle or surgery), hernia repair, C-sections, Enucleations, Cosmetic Dehorns

Reproductive Services

Pregnancy & reproductive palpation, ultrasound examination, synchronization programs

Advanced Reproduction

Artificial insemination, embryo transfer, and semen collection


Disease screening, biosecurity consulting, health certificates


Hoof care and lameness treatments